Allow me to capture your event through Videography so that you can focus on your event running smoothly. This helps your organization, whether big or small, share event videos with a larger audience than just in-person attendees. I provide next-day video edits, short sizzle reels or full length videos of your event form start to finish you can use for marketing & social media campaigns, or whatever your public affairs goals may be. I provide Videography for various events such as conferences, panels, speeches, conventions, ceremonies, tradeshows, exhibits, graduations and other social events in Washington DC, Northern Virginia & Maryland.
Corporate Event Videography - Washington DC, Northern VA & Maryland
Whether your company is hosting a forum, conference or symposium, a video is a great way to capture formal gatherings of executives, experts and researchers, where attendees present their work, hear others speak, and discuss the latest developments within their field. Event highlight videos allow you to market these events for future events or for any other marketing needs. See below for examples.
Whether you have a keynote speaker at your event, or a presentation, full length video is a great way to save this moment for future viewing. At policy forums, conventions, expositions and at academic conferences, the keynote address or keynote speech is delivered to set the underlying tone and summarize the core message or most important revelation of the event. A video of this keynote speech helps promote future events where potential future guests are more inclined to attend in person for expansion of their professional networks.
Panel discussions allows a group of people to exchange views and insights on a certain topic as part of a meeting, conference, or other event. Since interactions happen live, panel discussions work best in this format as they can also interact with an audience and improve the overall quality of discussion. For this reason there’s always the option of video recording the live interactions and playing it back remotely at a different time. Useful for big or small panel discussions.